Sunday, May 4, 2008

Quoting my favorite tank engine,

"Oh bother!"

I have jury duty in the morning. Anyone have thoughts on getting out of my civic duty? It's not that I lack respect for the process, or don't want to pay my dues. It's just that I got called to a court 40 minutes from my house. So on top of the fact that I still nurse Grace at least one time during the day, have to worry about childcare, be there at 8:30 and can't bring a cell phone into the building, it will probably cost me $15 to get there and back tomorrow...


Bethany said...

A nursing baby should get you out of it for sure....if not just tell them that you care full time for two young children and can't afford childcare. That always works for me I have always called and not even had to go down there. Of course if I did I would always say I would show up with my kids. HEE HEE.

When we get called here (because Aaron has had to do it) we always get summoned for Downtown LA never the courthouse in Pasadena. And it is always in the crappy sections. YUCK.

sara said...

I had a friend who did eventually get out of it because of a nursing baby....but they weren't too sympathetic about it. Sorry for you- it is a bother at this point of your life.

Monica said...

Yes, that is a bother. Thanks for being willing to serve.

Nauntie Lush said...

Cinders and Ashes!!

That is awful. But if you go, and don't get picked, then you have done your duty. Which is easier than fighting for our freedom...or something like that.

Let us know how it goes!

Kiki said...

ugh, that stinks.