Thursday, August 28, 2008

A few questions....

1. Do you suppose he looked in the mirror before he headed to the beach and thought to himself, "Self, I look good!"?
2. Do you think he ever experiences self-doubt, self-consciousness or self-awareness?
3. What's your best guess as to what's playing on that ipod? I'm think something by Right Said Fred....I'm to sexy for this beach......
4. Notice, the ipod is tucked into the "bathing suit". Do you suppose he was concerned about ipod lines? Or chafing?
5. Why don't more men wear these?
6. If I got one for Brad, what color would you suggest?
7. Do you think I'm really mean?


Michelle said...

hehe. I do that too - take pictures on the sly of unbelievably looking people. There's a reason why pictures are worth a thousand words... ;-)

sara said...

CRAZY. The scary thing is that they think they look good....


Anonymous said...

oh it could be worse, my dear! have you been to Ocean City, Maryland????

I love it.

I'd get your husband one is a canary yellow for sure.

I bet it wasn't a large iPod, rather maybe a Nano or something. ha.

mindi said...

But I think you made his day - I'm sure he saw you taking pictures and thought "the outfit was worth it, she loves it!!"

Saralyn said...

This is the perfect guy for my neighbor!

Bethany said...

You are so funny. you probably made his day taking his pic by the way.

The Buntens said...

Oh, he probably saw you taking pictures and thought to himself, "she thinks I am HOT and is taking pictures."

Oh my is all I can say.