Sunday, January 27, 2008

Free Tutu!

This giveaway is now closed.
Once again, Shannon is hosting a Bloggy Giveaways Carnival. Be sure to go over and check it out. Be warned....Last fall, I spent countless hours checking out blogs and entering giveaways while my children watched PBS and ate cereal out of the box....It's addictive...I've been looking forward to this for weeks!

I will be giving away another custom made tutu. These are super cute (if I do say so myself). Each is made of at least 75 yards of super soft tulle. I have several colors to choose from (pinks, purples, orange, greens, blues and browns) and can make it to fit a baby or a big girl.

All you have to do to enter is leave a comment by Sunday, February 3.

Good luck!

Note: I WILL send this to anyone, anywhere...cause I'm nice like that! However, nice as I am, I do not have super powers....please, please, please make sure that you leave a way for me to contact you! If your profile is private or does not have contact information and you win, I will have to pick someone else.


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Candace April said...

Fun! Those models are super cute, too. Please enter me. mamaluxe at gmail dot com

Amber said...

HOw fun!!! Please enter me!

Tuesday Girl said...

My daughter would love this!

My Trendy Tykes said...

My princess loves her tutu's! We would love to have one.


Kelli said...

I wish it came it my size. But I have 2 young girls at my house who would also love this!

Aura said...

Really cute! My first girl is on the way in March.

brandy said...

my girls would love this

Brea said...

I would love to give one of these to my 4 year old niece!

Gracious Gifts said...

My little girl is really into dress up now and would LOVE this!

ali said...

that is awesome. please enter me

Kelsey S said...

That is too cute!!!! I take photos and i have been looking for something just like this for a photo shoot coming up!

Bluepaintred said...

In less than two months, the little girl I have baby sat every day since she was three weeks old is leaving me. I have been searching for the perfect going away gift for her. She is three and very set in a princess stage! This would be a perfect gift for her!

HilLesha O'Nan said...

Thanks for the giveaway :)

mindi said...

I'd love to enter - Gwen could never have too many tutus!!

Stacey said...

How adorable!

Lori Leigh said...

Those are adorable! I would love to win one for my 3 year old. She LOVES to dress up and put on shows!

Unknown said...

My daughter would love this. Please count me in.

Ivy Vega from said...

I love this, please count me in.

Unknown said...

Too cute!

Randi~Dukes and Duchesses said...

My toddler would go nuts over this ... thanks for the chance to win!

Michelle said...

Great giveaway! Thanks. Michelle (

Hillary (Mrs. Einstein) said...

So cute!

Amanda said...

My girl has worn out her tutu, and could really use a new one. Thanks for the great giveaway -- count me in!

Anonymous said...

Adorable! We need one!

Pdyrholm said...

gotta enter this one. Looks way too cute and I bet the little ones are very photogenic in that. Plus it's fun being a princess too :-)

sara said...

Wow- those are so CUTE!!!!!! I would love to win one for my little girl :)

Deb said...

Oh I'd love to win this for my girls! :)

cabesh said...

So sweet.

Mrs. Gray's Class said...

You are right - this is addicting. This is my first time participating and I am overwhelmed by all of the great items. My daughter is in desperate need of a new tutu - she is napping right now in the one she received from Santa - it is falling apart!

Coach Paulette said...

I have 3 daughters who would love to have one of these!

Anonymous said...

So cute, would love one of these for my girl

Brandi said... cute! Thanks for entering me in your contest.

Erin said...

So adorable. My daughter would love one!

Andie said...

Both my daughters would LOVE this! Especially my little 3 yo princess! Please enter me!

Celeste said...

This would loook so cute on my little girl--count me in!

mattie said...

We LOVE tutus and pettiskirts at our house!! mengels[at]hotmail[dot]com

Katy said...

oh my gosh....too cute!!! My daughter would have SUCH a blast with this!!! Please enter me! Thank you so much!

Mrs. Hewett said...

These are tutu cute for words! My daughter would love this! Please include me in your drawing. Thanks so much!

Unknown said...

My daughter would look so adorable in one of these!

kelli (at) pfrog (dot) net

momma24 said...

My youngest princess would LOVE to have this! Please enter me.

mama2drama said...

These are so adorable! The only trouble will be figuring out which girl gets it!

Anonymous said...

So cute! Please include me!

Deb said...

My daughter would love one of these beautiful tutus! Please add me...
pierce6 at tds dot net

Blue Skies said...

My littlest princess is turning 3 on the 8th - I've had my eye on such a tutu as this - what a treat to find one to be given away. Thanks!

mommaz said...

extra points for nana if I win this for my little Gracie!

Mom to 5...Daughter of the King said...

I't gorgeous! I have 4 daughters and no tutus :(

Julie B said...

awww, so sweet! I have been searching for a tutu for my youngest. She is two years old and very petite. All the dress-up clothes she received for xmas are too big, would love to find something she could where right now!

Katie Swaner said...

Lokos like the perfect hing for my kids to fight over

Nancy Sabina said...

My daughter would go ga-ga for one of these. They are VERY cute.

Don and Lisa Osborn said...

Such a fun prize!!!

windycindy said...

There is nothing cuter than a little girl in a tutu! How sweet. Please enter me in your giveaway. Many thanks,Cindi

Stacey said...

I love the tutu! Please enter me in your giveaway!

Happy Mommy said...

My daughter needs a tutu!

Amy said...

Those are precious! I have a little girl that would look so darling in that. Great giveaway!

Allison said...

I've been wanting one of these for my baby girl so we can get pics made! Love these!

Carrie said...

SO cute! I can hear the fights now...."It's my turn to wear the tutu!"

Mama Laura said...

I love tutus!

Heather said...

I would love to win this for my daughter's 1st brithday in April..she would look so cute in it!


Elise @A Path Made Straight said...

These are the cutest! Thanks so much!

Heather said...


Laurel said...


Katie said...

Awesome! Thanks!

Hedi said...


Scarlett said...

So cute! I'd love one for my niece!

Christy Lee said...

Please enter me. I know a little girl that this would be perfect for!

Jeni said...

Please enter me - my girlie would love it!

Britni said...

These are just so cute. I know exactly who I'd give it too!

Christine said...

The pink and green one is adorable... My daughter would be thriled if I won for her!!

Anonymous said...

So cute!!

Thanks for the giveaway!

Stop by my place to win a bath set & candles or one of two copies of a book I'm giving away.

Laura @ Laura Williams' Musings

Reformed Grits said...

Very cute! Baby Bee would love one of these!

Laura said...

Those are so cute! I'd love one!

Bree said...

Ohh- please enter me! Thanks!

Marcia said...

Perfect for my princess!!

Marcia said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Wendy said...

Great giveaway:) Count me in!

Qtpies7 said...

OH, I love it!!! I need one for my little princess!

Sweetpeas said...

Oh my kids would have such fun fighting over one of these!

Jackie said...

My two year old would love this!

annie said...

so so cute! thanks!

Genevieve P said...

So cute! I have 4 dancers who'd love a tutu!

Lindsay said...

Love it! My DD asked for a tutu the other day to wear with her "superhero cape" :)

shimmala said...

Your tutus are absolutely gorgeous. You would make one girl extremely happy (and another extremely jealous)!

Owner said...

so adorable!!

Krazy Klingers said...

I'm sorry but this is tooooo cute. I have a 2 year old who loves to dress up and dance around.

The Chatty Housewife said...

What a cool giveaway! I would love to add this to my dress up bin!


Shannon said...

I wonder what my husband would say if one of the boys were dressed in this when he came home from work, lol.

This is too cute. Hopefully the baby I am carrying is a girl!

One of my good friends has a little girl...and a photography business...I can just see the gorgeous pictures she could take with this tutu!

Sky said...

I have a 5 month old who would look ADORABLE in a tutu...thanks for the chance to win!

Fratzels said...

Oh my word! They are so cute!!! My little pink frosted bun in the oven is sure to love one of these!

picklemommy said...

Darling, and just what the doctor ordered for my little girl!

Sarah said...

Those are so fun and sassy!

Please count me in.

Katie said...

Yay, a tutu!

Great giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win!

katie at dekabyte dot com

Colleen @AMadisonMom said...

So cute!!! And Zoe just started her dance class today!

a! said...

Cute! Sign me up!

eida26 at yahoo dot com

Bebemiqui said...

Great giveaway! Count me in.

Rachie S. said...

To to cute!

Jenn said...

So adorable. My daughter would love one of these! Please enter me.

Nashvillians Now said...

My daughter would love this! Thanks for a great giveaway!

Our Home Schooler and Jen said...

Count me in please

Re said...

wow great contest! count me in!!

keep up the great work on your blog - love it!!

United Studies said...

Too cute! You are very talented!

Kailani said...

My daughters would love this! Count me in please!

anislandlife at yahoo dot com

An Island Life

Snowbird said...

How cute. I know a little 2 year old darling who would love to have one.

Tara said...

DDs favorite book these days is Double Pink. She also loves her dress up clothes to twirl around in!

Kristen M. said...

My daughter would love this...pretty tutus.

Anonymous said...

love it!! count me in

Rebecca said...

I've got two daughters who would love to share this!
rebeccagillespie at

Heather said...

My daughter would think I'm the coolest mom ever if I gave her one of these!

Phyllis Sommer said...

count me in, so cute!

Laura said...

Count me in! So cute!!

Stacey Moore said...

my princess would love this!! please enter us in your great contest!! thanks so much!!

Kyra said...

If I won this I would be the World's Greatest Auntie, my niece would love me forever!

Stephanie said...

I think I just died of cuteness! I would love to give one to my daughter!

erin said...

My daughter would love this! Fantastic!

Anonymous said...

I have a god-daughter who would love this!

Stacey said...

simply so precious!!

Natalie said...

As soon as my little girl can walk, i swear I'm sticking her in a tutu all day! They're so cute!

Thanks for the giveaway!

Rebecca said...

they're so cute - my daughter's would love it!

sandierpastures said...

My daughter says she would like one. Please count me in!
mom [at] theparentingdiaries dot com

Anonymous said...

Our daughter LOVES tutu's! Enter us in the giveaway!!

Camille (& Little D)

Mollie said...

Oh how CUTE! My little one would absolutely LOVE this!

Angela said...

Super cute! What a great prize!

Heather said...

My 5 year old would love to have more tutus!!

Anonymous said...

That's really really cute!

Jenny said...

The tutus are too cute! Perfect for a baby girl!

Amanda said...

I absolutely love tutus on little girls, so I would love to have one for my daughter!

KirstyB said...

COunt me in!! I have a little 5 year here who would LOVE one of these!! :)

bensonfamily at gmail dot com

Christie said...

Adorable! Please enter me in. (Do they come in adult sizes...hee hee.)

TheKytiKat said...

My 5 yr old ballerina would love one of these! Thanks for hosting this!

thekytikat at yuriar dot com

michelle said...

Holy Cow! 130 Comments thus far! I guess everyone realizes how awesome it would be to have one of these bad boys. We love ours and I would feel bad to win, but I'm not too proud to put one on a little boy

Jodie said...

OHHHH, so beautiful! My almost three year old would be in heaven and this would be an awesome birthday gift. Thanks!!

Always Faith said...

oh I would love to win this for my little almost four year old girl. Enter me please. thanks!

Stephanie Wilson she/her @babysteph said...

So cute! I'd love to win for my niece's upcoming birthday!


Pearl said...

I would love to give this to my neice. She loves to play dress up.

Ginny said...

My 6 & 10 year old are big into dance, I think my 6 year old would LOVE LOVE LOVE this!

Jenna said...

Love it! The baby photos are gorgeous. I wish they were bigger!

Amber said...

Fun colors on that last picture! Both of my girls take dance and either one of them would love a fun tutu! =)

Erin said...

These are gorgeous!

Stacie said...

Those are SO CUTE!

Hélène said...

Please enter me! I want that for my daughter.

ahiltz said...

How DD would love one!

Kacy said...

These are precious!! I'd love a purple one for my daughter.

phxbne said...

Oh, these are gorgeous - thank you!

Laura said...

Totally cute! How fun every girl needs one!


Jennwith4 said...

How cute my daughter would love one of these!

Chastity said...

These are absolutely gorgeous!!! My daughter would have a fit over it!

Jennifer said...

Tutus are so much fun for girls. I remember my own and wish I still had it.

Jenny said...

Adorable tutus! My daughter would just love a blue one for dance class!

karmama said...

My daughter would look so cute in a tutu for her 1st birthday!!

heather h said...

Oooh la la, I would LOVE to win this gorgeous prize. What fun! Thank you for such a generous giveaway!

jjstringham said...

Ooh! Ooh! I want one!

Char said...

My little princess would love that!!

Anonymous said...

VERY cute! Our daughter would LOVe that!

Montserrat said...

With six daughters you gotta know this would be a HUGE hit at our house!

Stephanie said...

I'd love to win a tutu for my Little Beauty. I can already imagine the photo opps...

Robyn said...

A tutu! Too, too fun! I have two girls and it would be a thrill to win.

Angela S said...

I know just who to give this to!

Melissa said...

A tutu - What fun for 2 girls that would be!

Unknown said...

Adorable!!! I wish I could wear one! LOL

Keryn said...

For way too cute! I hope I win...Thanks for the giveaway. My email addy is in my blogger profile, just in case I win!

Little Piddles said...

My girls would love one of these. They are super cute!

Brittany said...

Love these! What a great idea for pictures! Please enter me:

Sleeping Mommy said...

So very cute! Please enter me to win.

ammie at

Tara @ Feels Like Home said...

These are gorgeous! I hope we win!

Liz R. said...

my daughter would be in heaven wearing that!

Leigh of Tales from Bloggeritaville said...

Hope I win!

Sue said...

So adorable. My girls would love this!

Steph said...

So generous of you! Please count me in! stepfh at hotmail dot com

Tracy DeLuca said...

too too cute!

Celly B said...

My daughter would love one! Please count me in!

Anonymous said...

A pink tutu for a budding ballerina what could be more adorable!
Great giveaway, thanks.

Valerie said...

they are so cute!

Allison said...

Adorable! Please count me in. Thanks!

Christine said...

My little girl would love this. Please enter us. Thanks

Jamie said...

Love, love them! Thanks!

Cindy said...

Super cute! Thanks for entering me.

Sarah Rose said...

How absolutely precious! Love it!

mommyofmany said...

The three little girls at my house would think this is really cool!

Thanks for the giveaway!

Becca Mae said...

my maddie would love this

T'aowyn said...

So cute.

taowyn (at) gmail (dot) com

megret7 said...

My little one would love one of these. Thanks! ( )

Anonymous said...

Oh wow, these are so cute. I know a little girl who would loooove this.

Anonymous said...

My 7-year old would ADORE one of these in purple! Her fav color!

noreen said...

my silly girls would love a cute tutu

Whitney said...

So cute, I want 21 years-old considered to be a big girl :)

Nicole said...

Who wouldn't want a tutu???

paryjeja said...

The tutus are so cute!

Taryn said...

Please enter me! THanks for a great giveaway!

MamaGames - Alexa C. said...

I love, love the way these look! Thanks for a great contest.

Anonymous said...

My 1 year old got one for Christmas and I'll need another for the princess due in June.

Joanna said...

Enter me in your giveaway, please. Thank you!

Cathi said...

I am so in love with tutu's! They are so perfect for my grand daughter.

Suzanne said...

These are SO fun! What a great giveaway!

Laura Marchant said...

I so need one of these for my little girl!


Anonymous said...

I love these, so fun and super cute!

Rebecca said...

I would love one of these for my little girl. She's getting into play jewelry & purses. Thanks!

Meagan said...

Oh my gosh are you spying on me?? Carson is watching PBS while I quickly try to enter all of the contests. VERY ADDICTIVE!! I love the tutu. Count me in!

Mom To B and W said...

It's so much fun having a girl!

Marla H. said...

I would love one!!! Thanks!

Sahm Lee said...

I would love to win one of these for my daughter!

M the Mommy said...

I would love one of these for my little girl, they are gorgeous. Feel free to contact me through my blog and thanks for the great giveaway.

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